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Teens & Young Adults Job Fair

We believe that every opportunity begins with a strong foundation. As a result, we have established relationships with local businesses in the community who are committed to helping youth gain a strong foothold in the job market. Our job fair provides teenagers and young adults the opportunity to connect with companies that are currently seeking employees, and also help them develop their resume, learn how to search for available jobs, and practice interviewing.

Marcus Brown, Founder


"Headshots over Mugshots"

What's In A Photo?



Photography: Orlando Media Group

Their Story

Every child has a story that sometimes gets told in an improper manner. Most of these stories begin with a child being labeled well before they even know the product, which is "self!" Usually, this leads them down a road toward destruction and subsequent criminal activity. Before you know they receive their first, "mugshot" which we all hate to see. Well, we decided to change the dynamics a bit and instead of a mugshot, our boys took headshots instead! The goal was to meet the young men right where they are, and highlight the potential we see in them via a picture! So, as you scroll below take note of our many future leaders of the world! These are kids from various backgrounds that are all trying thier best to become something greater than what society may make them out to be. This is why we HOPE! 

-Mr. Marcus 

Meet The Boys

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